You da man Rich! You sure have come a long way since you left T.O. You have gone from a funny, loud, obnoxious guy, to a funny, loud, obnoxious guy on stage....Milly
Hey! I haven’t laughed that hard in so long… My stomach hurts today from laughing so much! ...Karia
Great set at the USA Hostels Hollywood, tough liquored-up International Crowd, but it was Great. Look forward to seeing You in Melbourne in the future, Cheers! ...Robert Cooper
Hey Handsome, Happy Motza Bread Waffer Eatin', Beanie Wearin', Sloshed on Manishewitz and Rum Balls, Pass-over & Pass-out day!! Mazel Tov! Shala Shalom and shit! ;) Hopfully i'm gonna make it to your show tomorrow. See you soon, luv! -S....sarah zimmitti
Hi Adam, I really enjoyed your show. I appreciate the fact that you don't stoop to totally blue material. Lots of clever lines, thought out punches and energy. It's always fun to be entertained by a professional. ...Carole Gordon
You rock king! You're the best uncle ever!...jamie
Just wanted you to know I checked out your web page. xoxox Shann...Princess Shannon
We really enjoyed your performance tonight at Snickerz in Fort Wayne. I think I picked up a reference that no one else did: Did you start singing "I'll be a dentist" from Little Shop of Horrors? Keep up the good work! ...A Different AR
woo hoo! We love you Ad! you rocked Carson Daly!!!!...Eden
Adam's my Favorite, and he knows it. Mostly because I tell him all the time. Oddly enough, whenever i see him, pancakes are involved. I think it's 'cause he's Canadian, and they like maple stuff. Anyway, yay Adam!...Ash
Tour Schedule
Danielle Lenniger
@ Luber Roklin
Ph: (310) 855-2218
Los Angeles, CA
Ph: (424)235-5599